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Environment variables

To configure the application, you have to provide environment variables. You'll find here the list of all the environment variables by usage. (📌 means the variable is required for the context where it is defined)

Core variables

TWITTER_HANDLE 📌Twitter::dataThe twitter username you want to sync.
TWITTER_USERNAMETwitter::authThe twitter username used to log into twitter.
TWITTER_PASSWORDTwitter::authThe twitter password used to log into twitter.
Twitter auth

Even if TWITTER_USERNAME & TWITTER_PASSWORD are optional, these variables are highly recommended. Using a secondary account you don't care about is recommended.

Learn more about Authentication against Twitter API.

To sync to Mastodon 🦣

📌 MASTODON_INSTANCEMastodon::authThe mastodon instance the account is registered on.
📌 MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKENMastodon::authThe mastodon access token to authenticated the sync requests.

To sync to Bluesky ☁️

📌 BLUESKY_INSTANCEBluesky::authThe bluesky instance the account is registered on.
📌 BLUESKY_IDENTIFIERBluesky::authThe bluesky user identifier.
📌 BLUESKY_PASSWORDBluesky::authThe bluesky password.
(Can be a user password or an app password)

Synchronization 🐝

Configure here how the sync will be done.

📌 SYNC_MASTODONfalseSync::platformWhether run the sync to Mastodon.
📌 SYNC_BLUESKYfalseSync::platformWhether run the sync to Bluesky.
SYNC_PROFILE_NAMEfalseSync::profileWhether sync the profile name.
SYNC_PROFILE_DESCRIPTIONfalseSync::profileWhether sync the profile description.
SYNC_PROFILE_PICTUREfalseSync::profileWhether sync the profile picture.
SYNC_PROFILE_HEADERfalseSync::profileWhether sync the profile header (= banner).

Configuration with Docker 🐳

📌 SYNC_FREQUENCY_MIN30Sync::platformAt which frequency run the sync.
📌 DAEMONfalseSync::platform👀Set it to true to synchronize regularly.

Configuration with Cron ⏰

📌 DAEMONfalseSync::platform⚠️ Set it to false. Without this, you'll get multiple instances running without end.

Configuration with PM2 ⏲️

📌 SYNC_FREQUENCY_MIN30Sync::platformAt which frequency run the sync.
DAEMONfalseSync::platform⚠️ Set it to false.

Configuration with Manual execution 👏️

DAEMONfalseSync::platformSet it to false for a one shot sync, to true to make it run again
SYNC_FREQUENCY_MIN30Sync::platformAt which frequency run the sync. Only apply if you set DAEMON to true