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To authenticate with the different platforms, you have to provide credentials. You'll find here the list of all the credentials by platform.

Mastodon 🦣

To communicate with the mastodon instance, you'll have to generate an API Token. It is totally free.

Application name

Your application name will be publicly visible. We recommend you to use the name of the tool you are using when you are creating the application. In this case : Touitomamout.

  1. Go to your account's application page: https://{yourinstance.tld}/settings/applications/new
  2. Create a new application with the following scopes:
    • read:accounts: get your mastodon account username
    • write:media: post medias
    • write:statuses: post toots
    • write:accounts: update your profile
  3. Copy the token and write it in the .env file as MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN.

Bluesky ☁️